You are here because you wanted to be here. Living is nothing more than a learning and growing experience. You chose this Planet, amongst others.
Most people have been here before, not just once or twice...but actually plenty of times. Ever wonder or considered who your spouse might've been in their past lives? They probably were your father or mother or brother or simply your best friend! Everything you go through and encounter you planned in the spirit world. You have the power to change your future whenever you want to whatever you want!
Most people have been here before, not just once or twice...but actually plenty of times. Ever wonder or considered who your spouse might've been in their past lives? They probably were your father or mother or brother or simply your best friend! Everything you go through and encounter you planned in the spirit world. You have the power to change your future whenever you want to whatever you want!
Mental Creation
We all derive from one source energy, we are all connected by energy...everything around you is made up of atoms.. your desk is made up of atoms compacted together.. the trees are made up of atoms.. your hand is made up of atoms.. atoms are constantly vibrating...if you were to get powerful enough microscope you can actually see the vibrating atoms that make up your hand! In sum, you are a mass of energy walking this Earth.
You mind controls your body movements, so what is it that controls your mind? What is it that makes you say what you say, think what you think and do what you do? You are a spirit in this world..and you are also in the spirit world at the same time. This is a concept that is hard to grasp, but it's true. This means that your mind gets ideas and creates life as you live.. you can create anything in your mind..and the longer you think of it .. the more life you are giving to you thought..the more life you give to your thought.. the faster it will manifest! Your mind has power..and people don't even realize it.
Still not convinced?... Try this trick.. close your eyes..and imagine a narrow sidewalk.. imagine the sidewalk is 50 yards in length..there is grass on both sides of this sidewalk...a Billionaire offers you One Million bucks to walk from one end to the other without touching any grass..do you think this is achievable? Now try the same sidewalk, but this time the sidewalk is located between two skyscrapers and you have to walk 50 yards from one skyscraper to the other on this sidewalk and nothing but pure air on either side of the sidewalk.. still think you can do it with no problem? See your mind controls what you think you can achieve.. as soon as you are able to master the fact that thigns are possible..then it does become possible. YOUR MIND CREATES WHAT YOU WANT IT TO CREATE!
The Secret
The release of the movie The Secret has sparked tremendous interest in The Law of Attraction. Perhaps the secret behind The Secret is that there really is no Secret! People have been practicing this type of power for centuries before Christ even walked this earth! So why is this 'Law of Attraction' now being called a secret? Well.. we have to look at Religion and its history in order to understand it. And i mean its real history..not the sacred texts that govern most religions now-a-days..these texts are simply text that were manipulated by earthly Kings to fulfill their needs at their given time. Many people might ask..well if it was done by man..why is it that the Sacred Books have an explanation for everything that occured back then and still works for phenomenon that occurs now? Well.. the answer is that most information in sacred texts today have a lot of the Pagan literature in them! Yes that's right.. most of the information you have been told happened in Jesus' time actually occurred hundred's of years before him. For example, was Jesus really crucified in a Cross? ummm... NO! Jesus was crucified in a pole, a straight pole, the story of Jesus being Crucified (Crucified= Killed in a cross by torture) in a Cross came about later..and this was no mistake or coincidence either.. the cross was placed in Holy texts by the Kings men to hide the fact that the Cross is a Sacred symbol meaning "Cleanliness" and Equal, it's a Balanced Symbol similar to the Yin and the Yang!
If you trace History back to the Vikings era..you will find the Cross as meaning pure and equal. The Nazi's actually had the cross as their symbol... . The Swastika is a cross with curved endings. There are many variations of The Cross, the most popular one is the Celtic Cross. More about this later.
So does God Exist? What about Jesus?
There is no doubt that God exists and there is also no doubt that Jesus existed. God, however, is not an old man in the sky looking down at us judging us on how we behave. God doesn't punish you, God is you, You are God in the flesh.. you are part of God, but not God. God is located in a place where there is not light, but there is no dark either! God is everywhere but nowhere.. God is more than a spirit ..God is a force that our brains aren't able to comprehend! God does not harm you and God does love you. Many people hold the belief in most religions that if you behave bad or do horrible things that you will be punished by God.. well that's not the case.. you will punish yourself eventually because you will realize that you haven't grown. Keep this in mind...if you do something and you think, feel and know its good then it is good. If you do something bad, and you think it's bad and you feel its bad..then it is bad! Remember...you are God in the Flesh!
The Golden Dawn
This select group has been in existence for centuries.. there really is no trace of its origins...what is known is that recently this elite group was uncovered in the begining of the 19th century. This group had leaders based on thier demonstrated ability, knowledge and study of the estoric teachings...even though uncovered thier knowledge was still kept away from the masses.
The Golden Dawn's goal was not to achieve the highest power in the world, or the most money in the world becuase these factors are materialistic... When one gets too much into material things we tend to lose our spiritual goal. Our Goal is to learn and grow to be like God...we come to this world with God's permission. Remember we 'are created in Gods image' Perhaps one of the most interesting findings that the Gold Dawn has released is that most of the American History events are actually myths, instead these events were fixed afterward by historians to give the United States more power. Recently the Discover Channel, The Learning Chanel, The History Chanel and other educational and research channels have had the hardest time recreating events in American History with the evidence at hand. For example, Davy Crocket was supposed to be a hero a great shooter...however did you know that records show Davy Crocket was actually hiding inside a room, under a bed at The Alamo with the doors locked..he died of axfixiation. However, to agrandize the men that died that night..the Generals and leaders of the Army decided to put the best stories forward to those men that ran or hid during times of combat. To get further information on this you can visit www.thehistorychannel.com.
The Law of Attraction
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